Thursday, December 6, 2012

Think Healthy

On and off I’ve talked about how big of a role thoughts play in the kind of attitude you’ll have toward life. There are a few additional concepts I’d like to share with you about the power of positive thinking.

When I was in high school I seemed to catch every cold and flu my fellow classmates had. I learned as a teenager that I frequently, without meaning to, talked myself into getting sick. When the flu season came around and all the kids at school were ill, I often said, “I’m gonna get sick, I just know it.” Over and over again I told myself this. Eventually, most of the time, big shocker, I caught the flu. In time I realized I was willing myself into becoming sick.

Learning from experience how much power negative or positive thoughts can have over the physical body, I do my best to steer them in a more positive direction. I’ll use the cruise I mentioned as an example.

The months and weeks before I was to depart I experienced an excessive amount of Sickle Cell pain. I worried if I’d be well enough to go on my trip. Finally, about two weeks before my departure date, I began telling myself, “I feel better today than I did yesterday, and tomorrow I will feel better than I do today.” I repeated this to myself before going to bed, when I awoke, and several times throughout the day, everyday for two weeks. When it was time to go on my cruise, my health was improved and I felt better than I had the weeks before. I was able to enjoy myself on the ship and have a fun vacation with relatively good health. I often wonder if I had told myself, “There’s no way I can make it,” if I would’ve been in good enough health to go. I don’t think I would have been.

You have more power over your mental and physical health than you perhaps realize. Hope and optimism are powerful allies. By embracing them, your ability to endure your trials and enjoy better health will be greatly enhanced.

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