Friday, December 7, 2012

Pain Relief Method #2 – The White Ball

This method takes a bit more imagination. Start by relaxing your mind and body as discussed above. Then close your eyes and imagine yourself lying in bed, on the floor, or some place pleasant. Next, imagine a bright glowing white ball about the size of a golf ball, hovering in the air right above you. Imagine the ball drawing the pain out of your body like a powerful vacuum. Since pain really sucks anyway, this shouldn’t be too difficult.

See your pain as if it were a ribbon of white light being pulled out of your body and drawn into this ball of light. As the white ball removes more and more of your pain, the bigger it grows. In your mind, you may imagine the ball growing to the size of a beach ball, the moon, the sun, or bigger, depending on how bad your pain is. Once you’ve imagined all your discomfort has gone into this ball, which now represents your pain, imagine it slowly drifting away from you. Tell yourself, “The more distant the ball gets, the more comfortable I feel.” Repeat this to yourself. As the ball drifts further away, the smaller it will appear and the less pain you’ll have. Eventually, the ball of light will appear to be a small dot in the distance and fade into nothing.

This technique may be a longer process of mentally dealing with pain than the first. However, using your imagination to distract yourself from your discomfort is an effective way managing it.

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