Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Understanding the Link

I don’t know about you, but I love chocolate chip cookies. When I feel like making some, there are instructions I have to follow and certain ingredients I must to mix together. If I stick to the recipe, I’ll get some mighty good tasting chocolate chip cookies—not that I’m boasting about my excellent baking ability. If I don’t follow the recipe, I may end up with something that tastes pretty bad.

Life can be like chocolate chip cookies; warm, sweet and fulfilling. But there’s a catch. You have to follow the recipe. So what is the recipe to making a chocolate chip cookie life? My recipe contains the following ingredients.

I have found there are four key points to my health that I must manage in order to be as healthy as possible. Each of these points are inseparably connected to one another; and each impacts the other. If any one gets out of balance, there are negative consequences. I call them, appropriately named, “The 4-Points of Health” (I know, it’s not a very creative name, but it works). Those four points are: spiritual health, mental health, emotional health, and physical health. Together, they form a diamond—the hardest natural substance found on earth.

The spiritual is the foundation of everything in my life. Carefully balanced on either side is my mental and emotional health. Together, all three help support my physical health. When something throws my mental, emotional, or spiritual health off balance, my body will suffer the consequences every time. However, when all four are in check, I’m able to enjoy better health and more easily cope with any complications Sickle Cell may throw at me.

I believe “The 4-Points of Health” have application to everybody everywhere. However, as a result of living with a chronic illness, you and I have to take extra special care of our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. By understanding that all four of these points are linked together, you improve your chances at living a happier and healthier life.

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