Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Remove Unnecessary Stress

Managing the stress in your life plays a large role in staying mentally healthy. In truth, stress will impact each of your 4-Points of Health if not dealt with in healthy ways. I learned early in life that my stress level has a huge influence upon my 4-Points of Health. This is true for everyone, but it’s even more so for people with Sickle Cell, or any chronic illness for that matter.

A stressful event may impact a healthy person, or their health, rather mildly. With Sickle Cell patients, however, the consequences can be more severe. Stress can come from many sources, such as:

➢    Changing schools / Moving to a new area
➢    A big up coming test
➢    Competing in sports / Extracurricular Activities
➢    Death of a loved one
➢    Parents divorcing / Problems at home
➢    A stressful job / Loss of a job
➢    A schedule that’s too busy
➢    Toxic friendships or relationships.

I recall being in middle school and high school. When a big test was just around the corner, I almost always became ill right before the test day. It forced me to learn to not allow myself to become so tense about tests and other stressful events in life.

It’s important to be aware of the stressors in your life and look for ways to relieve the pressure they cause. If reducing the anxiety you experience means taking a less difficult class, playing fewer sports, changing your work schedule or becoming less involved in some of the things you enjoy, then that’s what needs to be done. Though some stress is unavoidable, you can’t afford to have an excessive amount. Otherwise you might find yourself fitted for a teen sized straitjacket and sleeping in a padded room.

Reducing stress may at times require making a change with the people you associate with. Supportive friends can be a source of great strength. However, should there come a time when a certain friend or love interest brings unnecessary stress into your life, you may have to consider making some adjustments.

Keeping yourself healthy should be one of the highest priorities in your life. That means sometimes doing what’s best for you. I’m sad to say I’ve had several friendships where I had no choice but to end them. These friendships were bringing an unhealthy amount of stress into my life, and my physical health was suffering the consequences. To stop being friends with somebody I was once very close to has never been an easy task. However, for the good of my health, that’s the choice I’ve had to make on more than one occasion.

Hopefully you will never be faced with such a decision. Good friends are hard to come by and it’s a shame to loose one. With that said, understand your health takes priority. It must come first. Whether it’s a person, an event, a hobby, job, or some other element that’s bringing unneeded stress into your life, it’s best to remove it. Doing so will help you enjoy a healthier life far from a hospital.

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