Friday, December 7, 2012

Remember How Your Body Reacts

In addition to the things I’ve already discussed, you should also know how your body responds to medications and treatments you’ve had in the past. Perhaps you have a certain vein in your left arm that is easier to draw blood from than any other place. Maybe you’re like I am, and they have to use a baby butterfly to get blood out of you. Whatever the key is to drawing your blood on the first try, know what it is and speak up. Tell them what does and doesn’t work for you. But be polite.

From your visits to the hospital, you may have learned one kind of pain medication works better for you than another. Remember what that is and keep your doctors informed. Allergies to food or medications and sensitivities to latex or other products are information doctors and hospitals need to have. It’s your responsibility to make sure they are aware of your needs.

It’s import to know and remember all you can about how your body responds to...well, everything. While in the hospital as a teenager, I had a scary reaction to a certain medication that caused me to lose control of my facial muscles. The more time passed, the more I looked like Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. A doctor was called into my room. He quickly recognized the problem and was able to correct it with another medication. Needless to say, I have always remembered the name of the drug that caused that scary reaction and make sure my doctors know I have an allergy to it.

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