Friday, December 7, 2012

Managing Your Medications

Whether your parents give them to you or you do it on your own, knowing how to manage your medications is a huge part of controlling your illness. Managing your medication means being responsible. This includes taking them as directed, knowing at all times what you’ve taken, when you’ve taken them, and making sure you don’t ever overdose. It also means being honest with your physicians. Each of your doctors must know what the other is prescribing. This helps prevent the mixing of medications that shouldn’t be taken together.

As a teen, you may not have too many prescriptions to juggle, but as an adult that could change. I currently have eleven prescriptions. Some I take in the morning, others in the evening. Some I take daily, others every other day or every three days. Some, like my pain medication, I take four times a day. I have one medication I alternate between taking one and two tablets each day. How do I keep track of it all? It’s simple. I have an organized system that works and I’m careful.

I was going to try to explain the system I use to keep track of all my medications. However, after reading it to my mother, she laughed uncontrollably and was confused by my explanation, which included dice and several week-long pill-boxes. She said, “It sounds like a crap shoot.” So instead of sharing my system, I’ll simply say, it’s important to find a method that works for you.

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