Thursday, December 6, 2012


Setting and accomplishing goals is another way to think positively about and prepare for your future. Like people, goals come in all shapes and sizes. They can be set and accomplished on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. They may be academic, career oriented, artistic or of a financial nature. Self-improvement is the main objective in the achievement of most goals.

One of the best ways to accomplish goals is to write them down. After writing them down it’s good to post them some place where you can see them every day. It’s helpful to have a target date to have it completed. Once you’ve fulfilled your goal, it’s important to reward yourself for having done so. After working hard to make that objective a reality, why not treat yourself? The reward may be going to a movie, buying that new item you’ve been wanting, taking a vacation, a day at the beach, or eating a box of chocolate covered grasshoppers—if that’s your thing.

The process of setting and completing goals can improve feelings of self-worth. Occupying your time and energy with the task of accomplishing goals can also help combat depression and boredom. Achieving the task you set for yourself can bring a satisfaction that comes with being productive with the time you have. One of the biggest goals I ever set required two years of daily effort to fulfill. The sense of accomplishment I felt in completing that task was powerful and long lasting.

I again encourage you to think about your future with hope and optimism. Take the time to learn about the things you enjoy and try to find a way to make a living doing that. Believe your future is just as bright as the next persons, because it truly is. If you find your progress toward earning the education you seek or the career you desire is slowed by your health, don’t worry about it. Just keep moving forward at the pace you are able. Maintain your ambition. Don’t allow the challenges of your health to defeat you or destroy your dreams. As you fight to keep them alive you will find your hopes becoming your reality.  

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