Thursday, December 6, 2012

Go to College

With the belief securely fastened within your mind that you will live a full life, it’s important to ask, “What am I going to do with my life? How am I going to fill the years?”

Since you have already set the goal to graduate high school, it’s time to start thinking beyond that. What are you going to do with your life after high school? It’s never too early to start thinking about the kind of things you enjoy and the type of career you might someday have. It’s okay if your plans or interests change, what’s important is that you’re thinking about what you are going to do with your life.

Going to college can be more than a means to earning a degree so you can get a job in the area you want. Many people go to school just because they love learning. Others enroll because they want to be a better artist, for example. Some attend college simply because they love the personal growth gained from an education. Then there are those who go to college just for the dating opportunities found there; since wining and dining isn’t a major, I wouldn’t suggest that as a sole reason for gaining a higher education.

 When I was pursuing a higher education, I found that talking with my instructor’s about my medical condition was equally as useful in college as it was in high school. Without exception, my professors were patient and understanding about my circumstance. If I missed a significant amount of class time, they would work with me rather than drop me. If I did have to drop a class due to my health, my instructors were sad to see me go, and encouraged me to come back next semester.

When trying to build a relationship with a young woman, “open and honest,” has always been my motto. In order to get the help you need so you can succeed in college, open and honest communication with your professors is what’s most beneficial.

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