Friday, April 28, 2017

Hydration and Sickle Cell

Though I have spoken about this previously, I wanted to touch on it again. Drinking a gallon of water daily, or as close to it as you possibly can, plays a big role in preventing pain crises. Anyone who has ever tried to drink that much water every single day of their life knows it is not an easy challenge. From childrenhood, my parents (and doctor) instilled in me the importance of taking water with me everywhere I went. When a kid, this meant taking water to school. Sometimes that required special parent teacher conferences to get the necessary permission to take water to class.

As an adult, it has been a life long habit of always having water with me. Though I like to think I do a fairly good job of staying hydrated; I certainly have my spells when I know I am not drinking enough. For me, the winter is the hardest time of year. During the colder months--though I don't like ice in my water--I still find it hard to drink as much water as I should. If I allow a week to pass where my water intake is far below what it should be, I soon feel the affects. For me, cracked or dry lips and dark urine are tall tell signs that I'm not drinking enough water. If I continue to neglect my health in this way, I will often have headaches from dehydration. I would suggest not waiting until you manifest these symptoms; if you do, a pain crisis will be right around the corner. Just drink a little bit of water every hour.

If I find that I have gotten out of the habit of drinking the amount of water I know I need too, I may set a timer on my watch or phone. This helps me remember to drink half a glass of water every 30 minutes. Or I may set it to go off every hour, and drink a full 12 oz glass. 

I know some people have a hard time with the taste of water. Many people infuse their water with lemon juice, or other fruit to give it flavor. Water enhancers like Mio work for other people. I am a straight water with no ice person. Recently my family bought a water filtration system for our home, which has been wonderful. Before that, however, I used Zero Water filtration system. I previously used Britta water filters; but when I moved to a different area, I still found the water distasteful and discovered Zero Water worked better for my situation.

There are many ways to make water more desirable. Find something that works for your wants, needs and taste, and develop the self-discipline to keep yourself well hydrated on a daily basis. I promise, if you do, you will experience fewer pain crises and feel better.

Stay strong. Stay positive. Stay hydrated, and believe in the bright future that is yours.

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