Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Grateful with Sickle Cell

For nearly four years straight, I have struggled with constant foot ulcers. One would heal, another would pop up and take an addition 3-6 months to heal. It was a depressing cycle; one that I sometimes felt was never going to end. THANKFULLY, for the past five months, I have been foot ulcer free!!!

There are so many things we take for granted, like wearing shoes. I wasn't able to wear normal shoes for almost five years. Its such a joy to be able to put on socks and shoes and not be in agony. Who would have imagined that wearing shoes could bring such a pleasure.

My feet have tons of scar tissue; they kind of look like leopard print socks. They also become dry very easily. My wound doctor suggested I use Viniferamine Skin Renewal Cream.  It is the best skin cream I have ever used and I have converted my entire family to it. It does not leave you feeling oily, and keeps my skin moist longer than any other cream or lotion I have used.

As you can tell--other than plugging the above mentioned skin cream--this post is just to share how happy and excited I am to be foot ulcer free for five months. I pray it lasts.

Sometimes, with all the complications Sickle Cell throws at us, it can be easy to become depressed; to feel as though there is no hope things are ever going to improve. But there is always hope. Some trials last longer than others. The only thing we can do is cope with them the best we can and keep a positive outlook. Finding things that bring joy to help counteract the negativity of our illness is a must for our mention, emotional, spiritual and even physical health. I hope you, my readers, find things in life that bring you joy. Like wearing shoes!

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