Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Doctors, Please Don't Ask Me....

It's a doctors job to ask all kinds of medical questions. As far as I can remember, there is only one question that I never want a medical professional to ask me: "So, how long have you had Sickle Cell?"

I vividly recall an ER doctor asking me that. I was stunned, and my response wasn't a positive one, "My whole life!"

"Oh, no, I meant, how old were you when you were diagnosed?"

"I pray that is what you meant," was my response. I felt like asking, "I don't know, how long have you been white? I'm guessing, your whole life!" I used restraint.

When a trained medical professional, a doctor no less, asks, "how long have you had Sickle Cell," it doesn't inspire much confidence in that person's expertise. So, to any and all persons reading this who may work in the field of medicine, please take my advice, and never ask a Sickle Cell patient that question.

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