Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Red Light Day Six

Today is Tuesday November  25, 2014. On Wednesday of last week I received my red light in the mail and began using it. For the fifth day since receiving the product, I have awoken with very little pain from my foot ulcer. Typically when I awake and put my feet down, the first 20 minutes are very painful. The blood rushing to my feet causes my ulcer to burn like fire. It's awful. I know this red light is making the difference.

For the past two nights before going to bed, my foot began hurting. Typically I would have to redress the wound so I could apply lidocaine and reduce the pain. Instead, I used my light on my foot and around my wound for fifteen to twenty minutes. After doing so both nights, the pain was either gone entirely or drastically reduced. I can't wait to see if/how much more quickly my wounds heal as a result of using this light.

I have something else to report. And I  don't know if this is a result of using the light, or a result of feeling more optimistic about my situation--but for the past three days or so I have felt as though I've had more energy and been more alert. Like I said, this could simply be because I'm no longer depressed about my wounds and feel hopeful that I found something that will help them; it could be a result of being in less pain from my wounds; or it could be that the red light is improving my health in ways that not measurable. Perhaps it is all of the above. I only know I feel better, physically and emotionally, than I have in recent memory.

I will continue to update my readers on how my life is being positively impacted by use of this device.

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