Thursday, April 30, 2015

Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin in Sickle Cell

For the first time in three years and ten months, I was hospitalized last week. My hemoglobin dropped down to 4.1. It’s kind of my fault that my blood level dropped so low. I knew for a couple weeks that I needed to go get my hemoglobin tested, but because I couldn’t stand the thought of possibly being hospitalized, I procrastinated. I shouldn’t have procrastinated.

For me, there are five tell tale signs that my hemoglobin is really low.

  1. Ringing in the Ears. When my hemoglobin is low, I have a faint and constant ringing in my ears. Most of the time I’m not aware of the ringing; it’s only when there isn’t much noise going on around me that I hear it. Sometimes it is loud enough to hear over the TV.
  2. Hear My Heartbeat in My Ears. Any kind of physical activity—something as light as putting on my cloths—my cause me to hear my heartbeat in my ears. After a few minutes, the sound will go away; but sometimes it takes some time.
  3. Increased Heartbeat. Like #2, physical activity as light as getting dressed can cause my heart to race. Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to pound out of my chest; but it’s usually that bad only if I’ve performed some sudden physical exertion.
  4. Extreme Tiredness. Becoming tired easily is just part of having Sickle Cell Disease. But when my hemoglobin is low, I am super tired all the time. 
  5. Mental Cloudiness. When my blood is low, I’m just not all there. Focusing, concentrating, and holding my attention on anything is difficult. I will also have a hard time collecting and expressing my thoughts.  
For all my readers who may be living with Sickle Cell Disease I say, don’t procrastinate listening to your instincts. You’ve been living with your illness your entire life. You know what symptoms mean what. You know when it’s time to have your blood checked. Listen to your body and life experience and don’t wait too long like I did. I will do my best to heed my own advice in the future.